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Tag Archives: meble ekologiczne

Blog ekologiczny o ekologii i eco designie

  • Cork decor Portuguese nostalgia
          Portugal, a country with a rich history and extraordinary natural heritage, is famous for one of the world's most unique natural products - cork. Growing cork oaks in this country is a practice rooted in centuries of tradition. Today, I would like to share with you the fascinating world of this industry [...] More
  • Cork decor – natural terazzo

      Cork decor is a material that is extremely sensual, you can feel the change in texture under your fingers, the countertop smells of natural cork, it gives us a sense of the warmth of cork, combined with a hard, resistant resin. Cork decor is terrazzo made from the post-production waste of wine corks. It …

  • A microplastic that we will live with forever
    The European Food Safety Authority, or EFSA for short, has defined the term microplatics - these are plastic particles between 0.1 and 5 mm in size. One of the most popular plastics is PET, or polyethylene terephthalate. Which is  what exactly? Bottles for beverages, household chemicals, food containers and our clothes....WHO recommends drinking minimum 2-3 [...] More
  • Microplastic – Where can we find it?
    On June 7, scientists in Canterbury, New Zealand, announced in the journal Cryosphere that microplastic was discovered in the vast majority of 19 samples collected in various parts of Antarctica. So far, the areas associated with environmental poisoning by this micro-junk (or micro-crap) have been in places inhabited by humans.  Due to its innocent white [...] More
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