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  • Old PVC windows sunk in snow-white PLASTRYKO
    The Extraordinary Life Cycle of Windows: Transforming PVC Waste into Modern Furniture Replacing windows is an ordinary activity in the lives of most Poles, but have we ever wondered what happens to those old PVC window frames? In Poland, where window replacement is common due to increasing energy efficiency requirements, the amount of waste from [...] More
  • Migaloo home at the Venice Art Biennale
    Migaloo home table at the main exhibition of the Venice Art Biennale. ⊗ Venice design is the main international exhibition of the Venice Biennale, held in the historic interiors of Palazzo Michiel, on the main canal in the center of this beautiful historic city. Nominations were awarded by the European Cultural Center ( ECC) , [...] More
  • recycling butelek pet
    From the trash to the living rooms
    We are currently doing research work on several extremely promising projects. These are projects supported by analyses of our clients' trash cans. We study what they throw away in the process of their service, production, and then do a case study. We test, dry dry, crush, grind - almost like with the cabanos of a [...] More
  • Cork decor Portuguese nostalgia
          Portugal, a country with a rich history and extraordinary natural heritage, is famous for one of the world's most unique natural products - cork. Growing cork oaks in this country is a practice rooted in centuries of tradition. Today, I would like to share with you the fascinating world of this industry [...] More
  • Cork decor – natural terazzo

      Cork decor is a material that is extremely sensual, you can feel the change in texture under your fingers, the countertop smells of natural cork, it gives us a sense of the warmth of cork, combined with a hard, resistant resin. Cork decor is terrazzo made from the post-production waste of wine corks. It …

  • NOD – eco friendly worktop

    The shell of the walnut is so hard due to its structure and chemical composition. The shell consists mainly of two layers: the outer, hard and insoluble layer called the pericarp, and the inner, softer layer that surrounds the nut. The pericarp of the walnut shell contains many chemical substances, including lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose, …

  • no plastic dream
    Welcome to the Anthropocene.

    “We do not just live on this planet, we have shape it. Each year, the work of humans moves more soil, rock and sediment than is transported by all other natural processes combined. If you took all humans and their domesticated animals ( pets and livestock ), their combined mass would be greater than all …

  • A microplastic that we will live with forever
    The European Food Safety Authority, or EFSA for short, has defined the term microplatics - these are plastic particles between 0.1 and 5 mm in size. One of the most popular plastics is PET, or polyethylene terephthalate. Which is  what exactly? Bottles for beverages, household chemicals, food containers and our clothes....WHO recommends drinking minimum 2-3 [...] More
  • Microplastic – Where can we find it?
    On June 7, scientists in Canterbury, New Zealand, announced in the journal Cryosphere that microplastic was discovered in the vast majority of 19 samples collected in various parts of Antarctica. So far, the areas associated with environmental poisoning by this micro-junk (or micro-crap) have been in places inhabited by humans.  Due to its innocent white [...] More
  • A bit like this one a bit like that one…
    We love taking up challanges and creating samples for orders! Often we are faced with such circumstances that a given project undertakes a specific colour, special additives or elaborate structures. In a partnership project with an architectural firm, we cooperate in order to achieve a knockout effect. Samples in max A4 format are created in [...] More
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