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Blog ekologiczny o ekologii i eco designie

  • Furniture from rubbish
    The technology of furniture production from the NOD board was patented by Monika Balaszkowska. It is in the form of a mix of resin matrix and walnut shells. Migaloo home creates table and coffee table tops, furniture fronts and reception desks from this board. This unique technology uses natural biological waste, which works wonders job [...] More
  • Are we ready to step back from the Polish design of the 1960s?
    For years we have been observing architects' obsession with the style of the 50s and 60s of Polish and global design. We, as a team, are also very fond of Vintage, mainly due to the fact that it has already survived two generations and most often, in terms of quality and visuals, still works well [...] More
  • In the table not in the stomach of the whale
    Microplastic is a huge civilizational problem. Its particles are in the water, soil and even in the food we consume. Polyethylene terephthalate has a chance to use ground caps, old soda and household detergent bottles and PVC pipes into something we'll put up proudly in the living room by our couch. This colorful top with [...] More
  • About dandelion with a grain of salt ;)
    Dandelion or formally Taraxacum officinale is well known weed. It can be seen everywhere – at the roadside, in the grassland and the lawns. In the past it was said that dandelion is an enemy of married women since reportedly it made men cheating on their wifes. Our great-grandfathers knew that dandelion’s features included its [...] More
  • Magnificent cork.
    Cork oak is unusual tree whose more than a half population can be found in Portugal and Spain. One of the advantages of this tree is that it doesn’t need to be chopped down in order to acquire the cork, because it is made of the bark without harming the tree. Every year the bark [...] More
  • Fragility frozen in depth.
    For ages gold was a symbol of power, good fortune and wealth. Golden items underlined social status and prosperity of the owner. High value and limited acces to this ore had significant impact on gilding – a proces of covering goods with gold. Thrones or painting frames, coverd with thin layer of this valuable metal [...] More
  • Migaloohome Blog Świadomy rodzic
    Creating a child’s world – the role of facial dialog
    When building the world around us we want our nearest space to have positive influence on our health and well-being. Workplace, house, apartment or room – while arranging them we take into account both beauty and functionality. And when a child appears in our world, we do our best to adjust the world to support [...] More
  • Migaloohome Blog Siła drewna dębowego
    Since ages oak has been considered a symbol of great strength. This is proven e.g. by the fact that in Rome oak leaf wreath was a head decoration not only for Caesars, but also of other victorious leaders. It was believed that oak had magical power. Oak is first of all heavy, hard and of [...] More
  • Look for the unual in the nature
    Uniqueness is desirable. Exceptionality is admired. Uncommon beauty makes us stop for a moment to contemplate it. When it comes to the kingdom of animals, our attention is drawn by those species that are not found in our surroundings. This is exactly the case of one of the rarest animals on earth. Beautiful, majestic and [...] More
  • MIgaloohome Blog Tyvek
    Material of the future – Tyvek my love!
    While observing the market of innovative materials, we came across a fabric with a surprising structure. At the first glance it looks like a piece of crumpled paper, but it is only an illusion. In fact it is the so-called Tyvek, i.e. material invented in 1955 by an American company DuPont. This invention, as in [...] More
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